Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Ask not ... huwag nang itanong

Fifty years ago, 12 October 1961, 128 Americans landed at Manila International Airport [MIA at that time, but since renamed to honor the memory of Ninoy Aquino] as the first group of Peace Corps volunteers to serve in the Philippines. After airport welcoming ceremonies, they were taken in LTB busses to the World Jamboree site on the U.P. Los BaƱos campus for some 6 weeks of in-country training, prior to service assignments as ‘educational aides’ in Bicol and Negros Occidental. Since then, more than 150 groups, totaling over 8,000 volunteers, have followed in their footsteps.

This book makes no pretension of providing a comprehensive review of the 50 year history of the Peace Corps in the Philippines. It also is not an attempt to assess the impact of the Peace Corps on the Philippines nor of the influence the Philippines has had on the individual volunteers.

You will read vignettes about the lives of young, and not so young, Americans who came to the Philippines in pursuit of the challenge ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.

Some articles are current recollections of events that transpired some 50 years ago; others were written years ago and reflect the volunteers’ thoughts and feelings at that time.

We hope you will enjoy our collection of the Peace Corps experiences in the Philippines.

To preview the book, go to:


Unknown said...

Hi Hans,
I looked at the book and priced it. Firstly, I am so very proud of you and your work... I will go ahead and order my copy... Secondly, I notice the price is a bit steep especially for people on fixed income as most "Kwans" now are.... I hope I am wrong but there may not be very many orders because of this.... Just a a thought.

hans said...

I am sorry about the price -- most of it due to Blurb charges. Hope it will not be too much of a deterrent. I'm happy I can finally stop thinking about this project.