Saturday, April 5, 2008

Walls going up and construction on target

My apologies for the long gap in updates. Had problems with both computers [desktop and laptop] and finally got the desktop back so I once again have ready access to the internet.

We seem to be going to Silang about three times per week so check on progress with the new home. As far as we can tell, everything is moving along smoothly and on schedule. Once a week we meet with the architects and contractors to review progress and resolve problems; this system seems to work.
It's summer now here in Manila, rather warm, and it's nice to go Silang where things are a bit cooler. Here are some updated pictures.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for emailing the URL, saves finding your bookmark amongst a million others.
Can you stay overnight in Silang? Glad to hear the summer is not unbearably hot.
More by email
Love, Rita

Unknown said...

it would be nice to visit sometime.
ciao from san jose, california!

Tony M said...

Hi Hans,

Thanks for the update. Let's see pix of you, noel and nikko too....we just miss ya all.

Take care and enjoy the summer...Tony

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, both for your dreams coming true and for your birthday, today. In half a year from now you will be moving in - if everything goes as planned. That seldom happens in building and finishing a house, is my experience - but what a nice present that would be! So my best wishes for that - to you both.
