Saturday, February 2, 2008

Ground breaking for the Silang house

At last! February 1, 2008, will go into our history book. After not quite a year of ideas, designing and redesigning, ground has been broken for the house we are building in Silang, Cavite. No fireworks, no marching band .... not even a bottle of champagne. Guess we will just have to wait with all those things for the house blessing later this year ... we hope in August.

When we arrived at our site yesterday, we found some 10 workers with tape measures, stakes and string marking off the location of the house-to-be; two of them had shovels and picks to start the foundation.

It was sort of a strange feeling, at least for me, to see the project finally come to fruition. W
e certainly hope it will turn out to have the look, feel, and ambiance of what we planned. You be the judge when you come to visit us.

We'll keep you updated on the progress.


Anonymous said...

How big a house are you planning? All one story? Keep us informed, please!

Anonymous said...

congratulations from Priscilla and Jan

Anonymous said...

Mazel Tov!

Millie and Gabe

Anonymous said...

Dear h &n,
Many congrats from the NYC de swaan arons family. The property looks quite special!

Anonymous said...

Best of Luck to both of you. It looks like a wonderful spot. Would love to hear more about the design. Maybe someday we'll take you up on your invitation. Lots of love - Claudia, Ronnie, Sydney, Zachary, & Nathan.