Sunday, January 20, 2008

Certified Diver

The Philippines is blessed with hundreds, probably thousands, of excellent dive sites. I frequently heard my friends talking about these places and, while snorkeling is nice, it's just not the same as going down there to take a close-up look.

Luckily, several of my friends are either dive masters or dive instructors so I decided to sign up to find out for myself. The basic PADI course was for three nights in nearby Makati and the certification dive(s) were in Anilao, Batangas, roughly a three-hour drive from Manila. I passed the "practical" with flying colors but then had to go back to take the written test ... a real pain in the ...!

It was worth it. Anilao has somewhere around 45 diving sites .... really fantastic views of tropical fish, coral, and plant life. We visited only four different sites there is plenty more to see there.

We stayed in a very nice resort with only four guest rooms different rooms .. and a pool. Incidentally, the sunsets in Anilao also were quite spectacular.

For those of you into diving, this is the spot. Everything is arranged for you. The boatmen carry the tanks and equipment to the boat, help you out of the water, carry your stuff back to the resort.. What a life.

Noel was to have joined me in the course but he opted out at the last minute. Hopefully, he will take it in the near future as diving is supposed to be done on the basis of a 'buddy' system and not solo.


J34Board said...

hey there,

thanks for the updates!

it's currently 15 degrees F in new haven, ct. although sunny, it's not scuba weather.

dave was certified in anilao when we were there in 2006. the sunsets there are great.

hope to see you soon!

vic and dave

Unknown said...

Hi there,
A diver and a gentleman farmer, alleluia to retirement!
Your friends are coming soon to help you with the veggies, eat not plant.
see you soon...
Didloy & Didy

Anonymous said...

WOW is all taht I can say! It's great that you are doing a lot of fun things. I am sooooo jealous. It's a pity that Noel was not able to participate cause it really looks like fun thing to do. Regards.

PS: Love your blog. Maybe this old dog will bee able to learn how to do this.

Mort send hos love too.


Anonymous said...

It's so cold here.. i balik nyo ko sa Pinas.. thanks alex

Anonymous said...

You write very well.